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双语幽默小故事 企鹅和动物园

 A man is driving down the freeway with his two pet penguins when he gets pulled over by a cop for speeding。 After the cop hands over the speeding ticket to the driver, he notices the 2 penguins。 The cop informs the driver that he must take the penguins to the zoo。 The driver agrees to do so。w4l儿童睡前故事_儿童故事大全_少儿故事在线听-故事多多365


  Two months later, the same man is pulled over by the same cop for speeding。 The cop notices the penguins again only now they are wearing sun glasses and eating ice cream。w4l儿童睡前故事_儿童故事大全_少儿故事在线听-故事多多365


  The cop says, “I thought I told you to take those penguins to the zoo。”w4l儿童睡前故事_儿童故事大全_少儿故事在线听-故事多多365


  The man responds, “I did take them to the zoo, now I‘m taking them to the beach。”w4l儿童睡前故事_儿童故事大全_少儿故事在线听-故事多多365



发布时间:2017-05-31 09:40:15  浏览次数:
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